Bushcraft也許表面上呈現出的只是一種的原始的生活方式,但是卻是須要有許多傳承的知識,經驗和技巧,這些技能都是人類長期在野外生活慢慢學習而得到的寶貴經經與知識。本質上也是如現今世界散居各處野地原住民的所依靠的生活技巧,至今依舊在地球的各處險地,叢林,沙漠,雪地等維生的方式!一般而言Bushcraft 所學的技能和SURVIVAL (求生)有些重疊,但又不完全相像,求生著重處理立即的生存技能,BUSHCRAFT 著眼於長期生活野外的技能。
Bushcraft A popular term for wilderness skills in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the term was popularised in the southern hemisphere by Les Hiddins (The Bush Tucker Man) in Australia as well as in the northern hemisphere by Mors Kochanski and recently gained considerable currency in the United Kingdom due to the popularity of Ray Mears and his bushcraft and survival television programmes. It is also becoming popular in urban areas; areas where the average person is separated from nature.
Bushcraft is about thriving in the natural environment, and the acquisition of the skills and knowledge to do so. Bushcraft skills include; firecraft, tracking, hunting, fishing, shelter building, the use of tools such as knives and axes, foraging, hand-carving wood, container construction from natural materials, rope and twine-making, and many others. These are the kinds of skills well known to our ancestors, many of which are still practiced today as an everyday skill amongst aboriginal and native peoples around the world.